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Regional and Sex Differences on the Standard Progressive Matrices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ibraheem Abdulaziz Abdullah Almuagel, Edward Dutton, Salaheldin Farah Attallah Bakhiet, David Becker and Zeinab Abdel Rahman Elhassn Hagge Ahmed
Published: 2021/12/01
This study examines the interaction between gender and region in Saudi Arabia on performance in the Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM), a test of non-verbal reasoning. The results of two administrations of the SPM in Saudi Arabia are compared for children between the ages of 8 and 12 years. The first sample included 1,273 school children in this age range, tested in the Makkah region in 2010. The second included 2,385 school children in Riyadh in 2016. There was no statistically significant IQ difference between the two samples. However, females scored significantly higher in Riyadh than in Makkah while males scored significantly higher in Makkah. These differences became more pronounced with age. Keywords: Saudi Arabia, Intelligence, Regional differences, Sex differences
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