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The Field Guide to Early Man; Works and Lives: The Anthropologist as Author; Social Theory Today; Lewis Henry Morgan and the Invention of Kinship; Kinship Organization in Late Imperial China 1000-1940; The Spirit and the Drum: A Memoir of Africa; Bedouin of Northern Arabia: Traditions of the Al-Dhafir; Authority in Islam: From Muhammad to Khomeini; First Contact: New Guinea's Highlanders Encounter the Outside World; Papuan Languages of New Guinea; The Songlines; Population Growth of Indonesia: An Analysis of Fertility and Mortality Based on the 1971 Population Census; Rural Development in Asia: Meetings with Peasants; Sport, Power and Culture; Beyond the Acropolis: A Rural Greek Past; The Roman Empire: Economy, Society and Culture; The Discovery of King Arthur; English Nobility in the Late Middle Ages; The High Middle Ages 1200-1550; Pont-St.-Pierre 1398-1789: Lordship, Community and Capitalism in Early Modern France; Artifacts of the Spanish Colonies of Florida and the Carribean, 1500-1800; Dictionary of Changes in Meaning; English Words from Latin and Greek Elements; The Advdentures of Ibn Battuta: A Muslim Traveler of the 14th Century; Origins of the Domestic Dog: The Fossil Record
Published: 1987/09/01
No abstract available.