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Love of Life, Hope, and Hopelessness: Significant Associations

Ahmed M. Abdel-Khalek and Amin Sabry Nour Eddin


Published: 2024/12/01


Love of life is one of the components of subjective well-being, and is defined by a generally positive evaluation of one’s own life and a pleasurable attachment to it. Love of life was hypothesised as a bipolar dimension, loving life versus hating life. A sample of 217 college students responded to the Love of Life Scale, the Hope Scale, the Beck Hopelessness Scale, and a self-rating scale of happiness. Men obtained a higher total mean score than women on hope: pathways and on the self-rating of happiness. All Pearson correlations between the scales were statistically significant and positive, except with the Hopelessness Scale (significant and negative). Principal components analysis extracted one component in men and one for women which was labelled ”Love of life and hope versus hopelessness”. Regression analysis showed that predictors of love of life were the two subscales of hope, will and pathways in men and women, and happiness only among women. The salient result in the present study was the positive association between love of life and hope and its negative correlation with hopelessness, indicating the convergent and divergent validity of the Love of Life Scale as a component of the well-being nexus. Keywords: Love of life, Hope, Hopelessness, Happiness, Egypt

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