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Policy Implications of the Genetic Hypothesis and Race

R. I. Green


Published: 2023/09/01


Some academics in Western countries have called for an end to research on genetic differences across racial lines, ostensibly because they can see no beneficial policy implications from such research. This article accepts the challenge of finding the policy implications if genetics were accepted as the main explanation for racial differences in important social outcomes. The focus is on U.S. policy. This article discusses how knowing that racial achievement gaps are caused by genetic differences rather than systemic racism might be used compassionately to guide social and economic policy. Critical race theory and the policies that go with it such as lax discipline through courts and schools, teaching self-esteem, teaching about systemic racism, and affirmative action in education and financial loans may hurt the people that the policies are intended to help. As for immigration, the genetic hypothesis says that immigrants from certain countries are more likely to remain at the bottom or the top of the socio-economic hierarchy. The current economic dominance of a few countries is not likely to change unless they let the genetics of their populations change. Equality of outcome (racial equity) is not going to be achieved in a merit-based market economy. Keywords: Affirmative action, Behavior, DNA, Economics, Hereditarian hypothesis, IQ, Race differences

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