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Development and Validation of the Arabic Scale of Suicidal Behavior (ASSB)

Ahmed M. Abdel-Khalek


Published: 2023/09/01


The aim of the present research was to develop and validate the Arabic Scale of Suicidal Behavior (ASSB), suitable for adolescents and adults and available in Arabic and English versions. The ASSB consists of five brief items (statements) answered on a five-point Likert-type format: 1 = No to 5 = Always. A high score indicates the individual’s tendency towards suicidal behavior. Its Cronbach alpha reliability was .87, and the test-retest reliability was .94, indicating good internal consistency and stability over time. The criterion-related validity was .72, using the Reynolds Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire as a criterion. A principal components analysis extracted only one high-loaded component of the ASSB. Several studies (N = 1,960) with participants from Egypt, Sudan, and Libya indicated that ASSB scores were positively associated with scores for psychopathology and negative affect, and negatively associated with scores for positive traits. A principal components analysis indicated high loadings of the ASSB score with psychopathology and distress, whereas its loadings on well-being and positive traits were negative and low. It was concluded that the ASSB has shown good psychometric characteristics. Its English version deserves a trial on a non-Arabic sample. Keywords: Suicidal Behavior Scale, Reliability, Validity

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