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Adapting to Change: The Evolutionary Path of Identity-Based Political Activists in Rural Khyber Pakhtunkhwa – Pakistan
Husnul Amin
Published: 2023/06/01
This research presents a thematic analysis of the evolving trajectories of change, dissent, transformation, and reflexivity of Islamic activists in the rural areas of Mardan district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Pakistan. In a reflective manner, the activists shared their experiences spanning a period of thirty-five years. Drawing on interview data, ethnographic notes and extended interaction with these activists, the study finds the complex interplay of activists’ ideology, local culture, national and global politics, and the competing religious interpretations. The study identifies four stages in their journey: breakdown of primordial ties, blind following, dissent and transformation, and critical engagement. The breakdown of primordial ties was triggered by the introduction of Islamist ideology, which challenged tribal and primordial affiliations and set conditions for blind following of political Islam as an ideology of life. However, skepticism later emerged, leading to dissent and transformation. This phase of transformation was marked by reflexivity and a critical reevaluation of their past actions and beliefs, and a growing disenchantment with rigid interpretations, conservative discourses, and political use of religion. The final stage of critical engagement is characterized by a proactive approach towards larger social and religious reforms. These stages are interconnected and nonlinear and reflect the activists’ evolving engagement with their own past and their changing social and political contexts. The study provides insight into the multifarious and meaningful ways in which religious and social contestations shape individual and collective trajectories of change and transformation in northwest Pakistan. Keywords: Political Islam, Ethnography, Post-Islamism, Deradicalization, Pakistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
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