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Love and Hate: The Convergent and Divergent Validities of the Love of Life Scale among Youth and Adults from Libya
Ahmed M. Abdel-Khalek, Alsedig Abdalgadr Al-Shahomee, Tawfik Masaud and Ahlaam Younus Alrafadi
Published: 2023/06/01
The general aim of this study was to replicate a recent study on Sudanese participants with a sample from Libya using the Love of Life (LOL) scale. A convenience volunteer Libyan sample (N = 707) was recruited. Two components were extracted from the LOL scale and labeled: “Positive attitude towards life”, and “Happy outcome of love of life”. Men obtained higher mean scores than women on happiness and mental health, whereas women obtained higher mean scores on suicidal behavior, optimism, anxiety, and pessimism. The LOL scale was significantly associated with optimism, happiness, mental health (positively), and with suicidal behavior, anxiety, and pessimism (negatively) in both sexes. Principal components analysis extracted two components which were labeled Well-being and Negative traits. The LOL scale loaded highly onto the first component. Predictors of LOL were happiness, optimism, and mental health in both sexes. In general, there is much similarity between the results in Sudan and those in Libya. The convergent and divergent validities of the LOL scale were supported in the Libyan sample as in the Sudanese participants. Keywords: Love of life, Optimism, Happiness, Mental health, Suicidality, Anxiety, Pessimism, Libya.
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