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Perceptions on the Contributing Factors of Divorce among Congolese Refugees in Durban, South Africa

Joseph Rudigi Rukema


Published: 2023/03/01


The aim of this study is to understand the diverse perceptions of divorce among Congolese refugees living in Durban, South Africa. Central to the study is to explore and examine participants’ perceptions and understanding on the extent of divorce among Congolese refugees living in Durban, contributing factors leading to divorce, and existing measures to prevent divorce or restore marital relations. This is a qualitative study. In order to achieve its objectives, face to face interviews were conducted with ten participants including males and females. Many participants perceived a growing level of divorce among Congolese couples living in Durban. The findings also show that factors influencing divorce among Congolese couples in Durban include infidelity, economic challenges, lack of communication, and lack of trust. In response to the above challenges, the study concludes that poverty and vulnerable socio-economic conditions in which Congolese refugee couples find themselves are a source of conflict and divorce. The study revealed no clear measures to prevent divorce or restore marital relationships. Keywords: Divorce, Congolese refugees, Durban, South Africa

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