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Brazilian Sex Differences on the Five Personality Dimensions and Socialization Difficulties
Carmen Flores-Mendoza and Karen Silva de Souza Saviotti
Published: 2021/03/01
Sex differences are ubiquitous in several aspects of human behavior. Here we present the analysis results of three datasets regarding personality and socialization difficulties in the Brazilian context. The first dataset (N = 1321; 67.3% females) used the NEO-FFI, which is based on the Big Five model of personality. The second dataset (N = 468 schoolchildren, 48% girls) used the Big Five for Children (BFC). The third dataset (N = 1458; 46.5% females) used the Canto Blanco Socialization Scale (SOC). The results indicate that the most pronounced personality sex differences in adults, favoring females, were in Neuroticism (d = -0.51), independently of age and ethnicity. Sex differences in Neuroticism, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness were found in children, but effect sizes were small. Adult males outscored females in socialization difficulties (d = 0.55), independently of age and educational level. These results corroborate previous studies on personality differences conducted around the world. Considering practical consequences, psychological trait differences were more important than sex for explaining care attitudes during the present pandemic situation in Brazil.
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