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A Study of Intelligence in the State of Ash Shamaliyah, Sudan
Salaheldin Farah Attallah Bakhiet, David Becker, Salaheldin Abdelrahman Elrasheed Seed Ahmed and Richard Lynn
Published: 2019/09/01
Data are reported for the intelligence of a sample of 500 schoolchildren 9 through 13 years old assessed with the Standard Progressive Matrices in Sudan’s most northerly state of Ash Shamaliyah. The sample obtained a British-scaled IQ of 67 to 68, which is low compared to the scores previously determined for this country but close to scores typically found in its southern part. The age-related increase in cognitive test scores is relatively fast, even compared to the British norm sample, and indicates a different pattern than other studies from the Arabic world. However, this finding is limited by the short age span.
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