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Intelligence in the West African State of Benin
Salaheldin Farah Attallah Bakhiet, David Becker, Huda Fadlall Ali Mohamed, Hamissou Arouna Abdoulaye, Salaheldin Abdelrahman Elrasheed Seed Ahmed and Richard Lynn
Published: 2019/09/01
This paper reports the first measurement of intelligence on a representative sample from Benin. The SPM+, a test of non-verbal abstract reasoning, was administered to 4,054 schoolchildren aged between 6 and 18 years, 56% male and 44% female. A mean British-scaled IQ of 71.96 was obtained by the sample. There were only limited indications for sex differences favoring males, but clear signs for a Simber-effect at younger ages were found. Effects of the school system of Benin on changes in IQ with age are discussed. Methodological challenges in raw- to IQ-score conversions in samples with relatively low intelligence and at the level of individuals will be evaluated.
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