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Two Studies of Sex Differences on the WAIS in Russia

Andrei Grigoriev, Marina Egorova, Oksana Parshikova and Richard Lynn


Published: 2016/09/01


Data are reported for two studies of sex differences on the WAIS in Russia. In the first study a sample of 16 year old males obtained a 1.96 points higher Full Scale IQ than females and higher scores on the Arithmetic and Picture Completion subtests while females obtained a higher score than males on the Digit Symbol Search subtest. Males showed less variability than females on the Full Scale IQ. Sex differences for IQs and subtest scores are compared with those in the United States. In the second study a sample of 18 to 35 year old males obtained a higher Full Scale IQ than females by 3.44 IQ points. Key Words: IQ; Russia; sex differences; WAIS

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