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Sex Differences on the WISC-R in Libya

Alsedig Abdalgadr Al-Shahomee, Saleh El-Ghmary Abdalla and Richard Lynn


Published: 2016/09/01


The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) was standardized in Libya on a sample of 7- to 13-year-olds and the sex differences on the subtests and IQs compared with those in the United States. In both countries the boys obtained a slightly higher Full Scale IQ than girls at d=.10 in Libya and d=.12 in the United States, and boys obtained significantly higher scores on the spatial ability subtests of Object Assembly and Block Design. The sex differences on the other subtests and IQs were inconsistent. Key words: WISC-R, Libya, gender difference, variance.

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