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Factor Structure of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Third Edition (WISC – III) among Gifted Students in the Sudan

Salah Edin Farah Attallah, Khalil Yousef Ahmed and Gerhard Meisenberg


Published: 2014/12/01


The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Third Edition (WISC-III) is widely used for identifying gifted children, but studies on its factor structure in this target group are scant. The present study examines the factor structure of the WISC–III (6-16 years) among gifted children in Sudan. Participants were 262 elementary school children (48.9% males, 51.1% females) aged 8.9 ± 0.94 years. Factor analysis was applied using principal components analysis with varimax rotation and principal axis factoring with oblimin rotation. The factors extracted for gifted children proved to be similar to those extracted for normal children. The “general intelligence” factor g accounted for a far smaller proportion of the variance than is usual, most likely because this sample had been selected rigorously for high g. Implications for the use of the WISC in selection and counseling of gifted children in developing countries are discussed.

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