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Skeletal Age Determination of the Symphysis Pubis for Forensic Purposes: Analysis of an Iraqi Series
Anam R. Al-Salihi, Emad H. Al-Azawi, Akram A. Jaffar and Faiq A. Bakr
Published: 2002/06/01
Skeletal age determination from the symphysis pubis of a series of (17) male and (11) female hip bones was done. Three methods were used and the bone age estimated by each was compared to the documented chronological age. The methods used were Todd's, McKern-Stewart's, and Suchey-Brooks'. The results of statistical analysis were discussed and showed that best estimation of age and correlation with chronological age was achieved by the cast method of Suchey-Brooks. It is concluded that the use of this method in anthropological and forensic studies is strongly advocated.